Sýnir193–204 af3819 niðurstöðum

Dubbele Lichtstraat (profiel)

De dubbele lichtstraat is een lichtdoorlatende plaat met mousse afstandhouders voor profiel 33.250.1000 of 45.333.1000.


Combination of the fortress (S600), pirates den (S550) and crawling tunnel (S701) with following add-on elements climbing arch (S006), rock wall (S007), low fireman’s pole (S008), net climber (S013) and stainless steel slide (G112). Extra options are two sitting benches and one table (S001), bar with abacus (S003), monkey ladder (S005), sand corner (S009), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014), sitting beam with 3 seats (S019) or the play panels (S033-S038).


Spring mobile for children from 2 to 6 years. The spring mobile is made up of a polyester-coated spring that is mounted onto a galvanized ground fixation. On top, a figurative sitting element in the shape of a duck is mounted. The figures and the seats are made up of vandal-resistant and colourfast HDPE polyethylene. The spring is made of 20 mm thick spring steel. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flowershaped protection caps. The spring is designed so that you can never get clamped, not even at the heaviest load. The elasticity of the spring is calculated so that the movement comes to its right even for the little ones.

Dyre – 10,2 m2 Garðhús

625,000 kr.
Dyre er er 280 x 380 cm garðhús auk 40 cm þakskyggnis. Stærðin er mjög vinsæl og húsið kjörið í garðinn eða við sumarhúsið. Húsið er með 40 mm bjálka og tvöfaldri nót. Uppgefið verð er með vsk og miðaðst við afhendingu úr vöruhúsi í Reykjavík. Sendum hvert á land sem er.

Eagles nest (with tube slide)

Hexagonal climbing unit made out of wooden poles on galvanised supports with different climbing and sliding possibilities. This climbing unit has a vertical climbing net, a fireman’s pole, a spiral fireman’s pole, a vertical HDPE rock wall and a metal ladder. On top there is a horizontal climbing net which can be used as starting point for the inox sliding tubes. All nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. The playground equipment is installed directly into the ground by using metal base supports.

Eagles nest (with tube staircase)

Hexagonal climbing unit made out of wooden poles on galvanised supports with different climbing and sliding possibilities. This climbing unit has a vertical climbing net, a fireman’s pole, a spiral fireman’s pole, a vertical HDPE rock wall, a metal ladder and a tube staircase. On top there is a horizontal climbing net. All nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. The playground equipment is installed directly into the ground by using metal base supports.


Vörunúmer Eindnoordboomstuk Lengd Þykkt Stál Húðun Breidd Aukahlutir Bæklingur Sjá hér  

Elf slide tower (polymer slide)

A platform built on six poles which consists half of a house with gable roof that can be reached via an easy staircase and that can be left via a plastic slide. This construction is suitable for children aged 3 to 12. The playhouse can be combined with following add-on components: monkey ladder (S005), climbing arch (S006), rock wall (S007), low fireman’s pole (S008), sand corner (S009), net climber (S013), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014), small bench with 3 seats  (S019) and play panels (S033-S038). The roundwooden larch poles are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated and all screws are covered with flower-shaped covers.

Elf slide tower (stainless steel slide)

A platform built on six roundwooden larch poles which consists half of a house with gable roof that can be reached via an easy staircase and that can be left via a stainless steel slide with polyethylene edges. This construction is suitable for children aged 3 to 12. The playhouse can be combined with following add-on components: monkey ladder (S005), climbing arch (S006), rock wall (S007), low fireman’s pole (S008), sand corner (S009), net climber (S013), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014), small bench with 3 seats (S019) and play panels (S033-S038). The roundwooden larch poles are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower shaped protection caps.