Sýnir301–312 af3819 niðurstöðum

Grote randslab

Vörunúmer Grote randslab Lengd 2100 Þykkt Stál Húðun Breidd Aukahlutir Bæklingur Sjá hér  

Gunda – 14,4 m² Garðhús

675,000 kr.
Gunda er er 380 x 380 cm garðhús án þakskyggnis. Stærðin er mjög vinsæl og húsið kjörið í garðinn eða við sumarhúsið. Húsið er með 40 mm bjálka og tvöfaldri nót. Uppgefið verð er með vsk og miðaðst við afhendingu úr vöruhúsi í Reykjavík. Sendum hvert á land sem er.

Half moon

Spring mobile for children from 2 to 6 years. The spring mobile is made up of a polyester-coated spring that is mounted onto a galvanized ground fixation. On top, a figurative sitting element in the shape of a half moon is mounted. The figures and the seats are made up of vandal-resistant and colourfast HDPE polyethylene. The spring is made of 20 mm thick spring steel. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. The spring is designed so that you can never get clamped, not even at the heaviest load. The elasticity of the spring is calculated so that the movement comes to its right even for the little ones.

Hammock swing (basket)

Wooden bird’s nest swing in Robinia for children from 3 to 15 years. The swing is made up of 2 vertical stands in Robinia. A swing basket with diameter 125 cm and made of 6-fold steel-wire rope is attached to maintenance-free swing hooks with double suspension using a steel-wire rope. At the bottom, the swing has metal galvanized shell-shaped pole supports that are fixed into the ground. The swing is also suitable for children and adults with disabilities. The standard color of the basket is: black/blue.

Handverkfæri – sett

9,900 kr.
Garðverkfæri. Skófla raka og spaði. Kemur í fallegri pappa öskju. Tilvalin tækifærisgjöf. Stærð 32 x 6,5 x 4 cm. Handföng úr aski eru sér valin til að endast vel. Létt og meðfærileg verkfæri sem endast og eldast vel.

Hansel and Gretel

Colorful playhouse for children aged 2 to 6. The playhouse is a platform of 1,75 by 1,8 m that is partially covered with a two-fold roof from rounded colorful HDPE polyethylene panels. The covered area has 2 wooden benches and various see-through holes. The uncovered area has an abacus with HDPE polyethylene discs and a bench from HDPE polyethylene. The roundwooden larch poles have a diameter of 10 cm and are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports.

Happy duo

Free standing coulourful stainless steel slide for children from 2 to 6 years. The slide has 2 coloured HDPE polyethylene edges in the shape of a penguin and panda. The slide is made out of 1,5mm thick stainless steel. Children can climb the slide via a staircase. Underneath the slide, children can crawl through the polyethylene plates. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps.

Heavy swing (2 flat rubber seats)

Wooden swing for children from 4 to 15 years. The swing is made up of 4 larch stands with a diameter of 12 cm and a horizontal larch beam with a diameter of 14 cm. In the corners, the swing is reinforced with red polyester-coated steel support brackets with a diameter of 42 mm. The rubber seats are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks using galvanized chains. At the bottom, the swing has metal galvanized shell-shaped pole supports that are fixed into the ground.