Sýnir313–324 af3819 niðurstöðum

Heavy swing (2 swing tyres)

Wooden swing for children from 4 to 15 years. The swing is made up of 4 larch stands with a diameter of 12 cm and a horizontal larch beam with a diameter of 14 cm. In the corners, the swing is reinforced with red polyester-coated steel support brackets with a diameter of 42 mm. The red tires are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks using galvanized chains. At the bottom, the swing has metal galvanized shell-shaped pole supports that are fixed into the ground.


29,900 kr.
Heimaráðgjöf felur í sér heimsókn á staðinn, ráðgjöf og ráðagerð. Innifalið í þjónustunni er:
  • Akstur innan höfuðborgarsvæðisins (að undanskildu Kjalarnesi og Mosfellsdal). Akstur rukkaður sér ef um er að ræða önnur svæði.
  • Allt að 30 mín. heimsókn.
  • Máltaka fyrir garðakála (ekki framleiðslu uppmæling), mest B+H+L og miðað við gott aðgengi.
  • 3D skissa úr hönnunartóli BK ef skálinn passar innan kerfis.
Ef af kaupum verður fást 50% af gjaldi sem inneign upp í kaup á sólskála / garðhús í hjá BK Hönnun.

Hella 60x60x4 Svört

3,490 kr.
GeoStretto Plus hella 60x60x4 cm. Verð er stykkjaverð. 0,36 m2 per stykki.


Adventurous playground equipment for children aged 4 to 15. The playground equipment is made out of 4 vertical roundwooden oak poles which are placed in a rectangular. The poles are connected to each other on top by 2 ropes (1 on the left, 1 on the right) which are used as support. Below, 1 central rope connects both sides. Children can go from one side to the other by walking over the lower rope while holding the 2 higher ropes. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by plastic protection caps. The oak poles are fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.


Detached colorful play equipment for children aged 1 to 2,5. The play equipment has two sides made of HDPE polyethylene in the shape of a prince and a princess and a cowboy and an indian. The prince is wearing a yellow crown and has a sword in his hand. The princess is wearing a beautiful red dress and yellow crown. The indian is wearing a red dress, a yellow headband and blue boots. The cowboy is wearing a red cowboy hat, red scarf, blue costume and red leather boots. The play equipment is mountable by a staircase made of HDPE polyethylene steps. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with plastic protection caps. This adventurous play equipment offers the children different play values. The children can slide down as much as they want and thanks to the child-friendly staircase and gangway they can try to climb to the top. The real adventurers can take a look under the platform where they can crawl in a tunnel. Thanks to this playful theme, the children can let their imagination work.

Hexagonal climber

Hexagonal climbing unit for children aged 6 to 15 years. The hexagonal climber has a fireman’s pole, metal climbing rungs, a climbing rope and a high and low metal gymnastic bar. The vertical roundwooden larch poles have a diameter of 12 cm, cut outside the heart, and installed directly into the ground by using metal base supports. All metal parts are polyester coated and treated against rust. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by plastic protection caps.

Hexagonal swing (rubber seat with brace)

Wooden hexagonal swing for children from 4 to 15 years. The swing is made up of 6 larch stands with a diameter of 12 cm and six horizontal larch beams with a diameter of 14 cm. The vertical poles are connected with each other by the horizontal beams to form a hexagon. In the six corners, the swing is reinforced with red polyester-coated steel support brackets with a diameter of 42 mm. The special rubber seats with brace are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks using galvanized chains. The brace seats prevent children from jumping against each other while leaving the swing. At the bottom, the swing has metal galvanized shell-shaped pole supports that are fixed into the ground.

Hexagonal swing (special tire seat)

Wooden sixcorner swing for children aged 4 to 15. The swing is made of 6 vertical posts in robinia and 6 horizontal beams in robinia. The vertical posts are interconnected with the horizontal beams and look like a hexagon. The special tire seats are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks with galvanized chains. De tire seats prevent the children from jumping of their seats and collide. The swing is fixed into the ground with concrete.

Hexagonal swing (special tire seat)

Wooden hexagonal swing for children from 4 to 15 years. The swing is made up of 6 larch stands with a diameter of 12 cm and six horizontal larch beams with a diameter of 14 cm. The vertical poles are connected with each other by the horizontal beams to form a hexagon. In the six corners, the swing is reinforced with red polyester-coated steel support brackets with a diameter of 42 mm. The special tire seats are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks using galvanized chains. The tire seats prevent children from jumping against each other while leaving the swing. At the bottom, the swing has metal galvanized shell-shaped pole supports that are fixed into the ground.

Hexagonal swing in robinia (six rubber seats with brace)

Wooden sixcorner swing for children aged 4 to 15. The swing is made of 6 vertical posts in robinia and 6 horizontal beams in robinia. The vertical posts are interconnected with the horizontal beams and look like a hexagon. The rubber seats are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks with galvanized chains. De rubber seats with brace prevent the children from jumping of their seats and collide. The swing is fixed into the ground with concrete.

High spiral fireman’s pole

High spiral fireman’s pole in polyester coated metal for a platform height of 1,97 m. This add-on component can be placed in any direction and is suitable for children aged 4 to 12.

Hilla 150 cm / 53 cm

39,900 kr.
Gróðurhúsa hilla 53 cm breið og 150 cm löng. Ál prófíla hilla sem passar á tvö glerbil í Janssens gróðurhúsum. Flott sem vinnuborð eða til að passa upp á skipulagið á pottum, plöntum og áhöldum. Mjög vinsælt að taka eina 23 cm hillu og eina 53 cm hillur saman í setti.