Sýnir337–348 af3819 niðurstöðum

Ilmkerti Winter Pine tree

5,900 kr.
Ilmkerti - Pine tree Soya vax sem er umhverfisvænt og niðurbrjótanlegt. Viðar þráður. Ljúfur og endingargóður ilmur, snarklar í viðar þræðinum.
  • Paraffin-free
  • 50 hours burn time
  • 100% Organic soy wax
  • 250 grams

Indian village (WITH crawl tunnel AND PLASTIC SLIDE)

A combination of two platforms, connected by means of a crawl tunnel for children aged 3 to 12. The platforms are accessible via a fireman’s pole, a climbing arch, a climbing net and a rock wall. The children can leave the platform via a plastic slide. The roundwooden larch poles are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. This construction can be combined with following add-on components: monkey ladder (S005), sand corner (S009), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014) and small bench with 3 seats (S019).

INDIAN VILLAGE (WITH crawl tunnel AND stainless steel SLIDE)

A combination of two platforms, connected by means of a crawl tunnel for children aged 3 to 12. The platforms are accessible via a fireman’s pole, a climbing arch, a climbing net and a rock wall. The children can leave the platform via a stainless steel slide. The roundwooden larch poles are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. This construction can be combined with following add-on components: monkey ladder (S005), sand corner (S009), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014) and small bench with 3 seats (S019).


A combination of two platforms, connected by means of a net bridge for children aged 3 to 12. The platforms are accessible via a fireman’s pole, a climbing arch, a climbing net and a rock wall. The children can leave the platform via a plastic slide. The roundwooden larch poles are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. This construction can be combined with following add-on components: monkey ladder (S005), sand corner (S009), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014) and small bench with 3 seats (S019).


A combination of two platforms, connected by means of a net bridge for children aged 3 to 12. The platforms are accessible via a fireman’s pole, a climbing arch, a climbing net and a rock wall. The children can leave the platform via a stainless steel slide. The roundwooden larch poles are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. This construction can be combined with following add-on components: monkey ladder (S005), sand corner (S009), low spiral fireman’s pole (S014) and small bench with 3 seats (S019).


Metal playground equipment for children aged 6 to 12. This playground equipment has 2 vertical metal poles with a diameter of 127 mm and at the bottom connected to each other, via a connection, by a steep red metal tube (diameter 60 mm). On top, a rope is tightened between the poles. The purpose is to go from one side of the playground equipment to the other by crossing the red tube while holding the rope, without touching the soil. All metal parts are treated against rust and polyester coated. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by flower-shaped plastic protection caps.


Vörunúmer Isolatiebeschermingsprofiel Lengd 1020 Þykkt Van 20 tot 150 (zie technische fiche voor product-details) Stál Húðun Breidd Aukahlutir Bæklingur Sjá

JI 10-100-1100

Het profiel JI 10-100-1100 is het ideale profiel om poorten en deuren te bekleden. Dit profiel wordt standaard aan de A-zijde gelakt, zie kleurenkaart.

JI 106-250-750

Het technisch profiel JI 106-250-750 is een zelfdragende onderdakplaat voor plat dak (overspanning 5 tot 6 meter).

JI 106-250-750 Perfo

Het technisch profiel JI 106-250-750 Perfo is een zelfdragende onderdakplaat voor plat dak (overspanning 5 tot 6 meter), geperforeerd voor akoestisch comfort.

JI 110-600

Het profiel JI 110-600 wordt als binnendoos gebruikt voor geïsoleerde dubbele wandbeplating. De binnendoos vormt een horizontale verbinding van de spanten,wordt opgevuld met isolatie en ondersteunt de buitenplaat. Dit profiel wordt standaard aan de B-zijde gelakt, zie kleurenkaart.

JI 110-600 Perfo

Het profiel JI 110-600 Perfo wordt als binnendoos gebruikt voor geïsoleerde dubbele wandbeplating. De binnendoos vormt een horizontale verbinding van de spanten,wordt opgevuld met isolatie en ondersteunt de buitenplaat. De perforatie verbeterd het akoestisch comfort. Dit profiel wordt standaard aan de B-zijde gelakt, zie kleurenkaart.