Sýnir3805–3813 af3813 niðurstöðum


Z-gordingen vormen in de bouwnijverheid een ideale en stevige ondersteuning voor een onbeperkt gamma van wanden en daken. Gestandaardiseerde Z-gordingen verzekeren een mechanisch uitgebalanceerde bevestiging en zijn eenvoudig aan te brengen op de structuur van het gebouw.

Zelfborende Schroeven

Vörunúmer Zelfborende Schroeven Lengd Þykkt Stál Húðun Breidd Aukahlutir Bæklingur Sjá hér  


  Stærð 4,7 x 2,1 x 2,3 m Fallhæð 2,25 m Aldur 4-8 Samsetningartími 2p. – 4,5h. Öryggissvæði 52,5 m²

Zijdehoen – Rabbit Hutch

59,900 kr.
Dimensions: L130xD60xH110cm·Impregnated spruce·Including roofing felt and fitting kit


Adventurous playground equipment for children aged 4 to 15. The playground equipment is made out of 2 vertical roundwooden larch poles (diameter 12 cm) which are supported by 2 smaller oak poles with the same diameter. The vertical poles are connected to each other by 2 ropes. Children can go from one side to the other by walking over the lower rope while holding the higher rope. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by plastic protection caps. The oak poles are fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

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41,900 kr.
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