Sýnir445–456 af3812 niðurstöðum

Marii – krakkahús

Original price was: 439,000 kr..Current price is: 351,200 kr..
Krakkahús í garðinn. Stærð 235x235 cm. Hæð 211 cm. Innifalið í verði er þakefni, viðargólf og festingar. Afgreiðslutími 3-5 vikur. Marii teikning

Marketta – Garage

997,900 kr.
Specifications:·Article no. 40.0797·Wood thickness 44mm·Wood type spruce, untreated·Dimensions 380x536cm·Foundation size 360x516cm·Ridge height approx. 236cm·Garage doors 2x 114cm·Windows 2 (can be

Master Gróðurhús – 310×458 14,2 m² hús

Original price was: 1,343,400 kr..Current price is: 1,243,400 kr..
Okkar vinsælasta hús fæst nú á flottu tilboði. Master gróðurhúsið er stórt og flott gróðurhús sem er einfalt í uppsetningu. Húsin fást í 5 stærðum, frá 7,3 m² og upp í 23,3 m². Húsin eru í svokölluðum "DIY " (gerðu það sjálfur) flokki. Húsin koma með 4mm einföldu hertu öryggisgleri og í svörtum lit. Ein vinsælasta gerð og stærð gróðurhúsa á Íslandi í undanfarin ár. Master húsin hafa veriið seld og sett upp um allt land frá árinu 2018 og hafa reynst afbragðs vel. Þau er hægt að styrkja enn frekar með sérstökum styrkingum sem eru nú innifaldar í tilboði. Aukahlutir í tilboði;
  • Tvöföld rennihurð (einföld í staðlaðri útgáfu) - að andvirði 83,500 kr.
  • Lágur þröskuldur (30 mm) - að andvirði 27,900 kr.
  • 3 stk storm pumpur á þakglugga - að andvirði 29,900 kr stk.
  • 2500 w pallahitari með festingum sem passa í húsið - að andvirði 49,900 kr
  • 6 stk styrkingarbitar - að andvirði 23,900 kr stk.
*** ATH húsin eru sér innflutt eftir pöntunum ***

Master Gróðurhús – 310×605 18,8 m² hús

Original price was: 1,504,400 kr..Current price is: 1,400,000 kr..
Okkar vinsælasta hús fæst nú á flottu tilboði. Master gróðurhúsið er stórt og flott gróðurhús sem er einfalt í uppsetningu. Húsin fást í 5 stærðum, frá 7,3 m² og upp í 23,3 m². Húsin eru í svokölluðum "DIY " (gerðu það sjálfur) flokki. Húsin koma með 4mm einföldu hertu öryggisgleri og í svörtum lit. Ein vinsælasta gerð og stærð gróðurhúsa á Íslandi í undanfarin ár. Master húsin hafa veriið seld og sett upp um allt land frá árinu 2018 og hafa reynst afbragðs vel. Þau er hægt að styrkja enn frekar með sérstökum styrkingum sem eru nú innifaldar í tilboði. Aukahlutir í tilboði;
  • Tvöföld rennihurð (einföld í staðlaðri útgáfu) - að andvirði 83,500 kr.
  • Lágur þröskuldur (30 mm) - að andvirði 27,900 kr.
  • 3 stk storm pumpur á þakglugga - að andvirði 29,900 kr stk.
  • 2500 w pallahitari með festingum sem passa í húsið - að andvirði 49,900 kr
  • 6 stk styrkingarbitar - að andvirði 23,900 kr stk.
*** ATH húsin eru sér innflutt eftir pöntunum ***

Master Gróðurhús – 5 stærðir

680,900 kr. - 1,390,000 kr.
Master gróðurhús er stórt og flott gróðurhús sem er einfalt í uppsetningu. Húsin fást í 5 stærðum, frá 7,3 m² og upp í 23,3 m². Húsin eru í svokölluðum "DIY " (gerðu það sjálfur) flokki. Þau eru lager vara hjá framleiðanda og eru því fáanleg með skömmum fyrirvara. Húsin koma með 4mm einföldu hertu öryggisgleri. Húsin fást svört eða græn á lit eða í ál lit. Ein vinsælasta gerð gróðurhúsa á Íslandi í undanfarin ár. Master húsin hafa veriið seld og sett upp um allt land frá árinu 2018 og hafa reynst afbragðs vel. Þau er hægt að styrkja enn frekar með sérstökum styrkingum sem eru sér framleiddar í húsin og fást að sjálfsögðu hjá okkur. Neðst á síðunni má finna enn frekari fróðleik, svo sem leiðbeiningar og myndbönd af samsetningu. *** ATH húsin eru sér innflutt eftir pöntunum ***

Megaphone for metal posts (2 pieces)

Set of 2 polyethylene megaphones for metal poles for children aged 2 to 12. The metal tube of the megaphone is polyester coated and it attached to a metal pole by means of vandal-resistant aluminium mounting clamps. The metal poles (M048) are polyester coated and have vandal-resistant plastic pole caps. The poles have a diameter of 127 mm and a length of 190 cm. All metal parts are treated against rust.

Megaphone for wooden posts (2 pieces)

Set of 2 polyethylene megaphones for wooden oak poles (R920X) with a diameter of 10 cm, cut outside of the heart. The metal tube of the megaphone is polyester coated. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered by flower-shaped protection caps.

Merlin the magician (polymer slide)

Colorful combination playground equipment for children aged 2 to 6. The playground equipment consists out of several platforms at different levels that are linked together using playful connection elements. The playground equipment consists of a playhouse with a platform height of 93 cm, from which a plastic slide leaves. The playhouse can be accessed via an easy staircase with metal handrails. Below a play floor was arranged, on top there is a bench. The whole is covered with a two-fold roof from rounded colorful HDPE polyethylene panels. From the playhouse one can crawl through a double-walled HDPE polyethylene tube to an open platform. The platform is equipped with a balustrade with colorful metal railings, on which a steering wheel is mounted that can be turned. The platform is accessible via a net climber and a two-fold platform staircase with metal tube railings. From a middle platform one can walk to a platform with a HDPE polyethylene roof via a quadrant bridge. The covered platform is equipped with a ladder with metal rungs, a climbing arch and a small fireman’s pole. Various parts of the playground equipment are equipped with plastic handles that facilitate climbing. The roundwooden larch – poles have a diameter of 10 cm and are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports.

Merlin the magician (stainless steel slide)

Colorful combination playground equipment for children aged 2 to 6. The playground equipment consists out of several platforms at different levels that are linked together using playful connection elements. The playground equipment consists of a playhouse with a platform height of 93 cm, from which a stainless-steel slide with HDPE polyethylene edges leaves. The playhouse can be accessed via an easy staircase with metal handrails. Below a play floor was arranged, on top there is a bench. The whole is covered with a two-fold roof from rounded colorful HDPE polyethylene panels. From the playhouse one can crawl through a double-walled HDPE polyethylene tube to an open platform. The platform is equipped with a balustrade with colorful metal railings, on which a steering wheel is mounted. The platform is accessible via a net climber and a two-fold platform staircase with metal tube railings. From a middle platform one can walk to a platform with a HDPE polyethylene roof via a quadrant bridge. The covered platform is equipped with a ladder with metal rungs, a climbing arch and a small fireman’s pole. Various parts of the playground equipment are equipped with plastic handles that facilitate climbing. The roundwooden larch poles have a diameter of 10 cm and are fixed into or onto the ground using metal base supports.


Merry-go-round for children from 3 to 10 years. The colourful merry-go-round is made up of polyester-coated metal tubes with a diameter of 33 mm. The merry go-round has two semicircular benches made of HDPE polyethylene, that are supported at three points by a metal support bracket. The metal floor plate is covered by an anti-slip HDPE polyethylene plate. The central steering wheel allows the children to determine the rotation speed. The merry-goround rotates on a maintenance-free rotation mechanism with double ball-bearings (below and above). All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps.

Metal aerial runway (1 platform)

Playground equipment for children aged 6 to 15. This metal aerial runway is a fun way to bridge a long distance. The aerial runway has 1 start platform. The children can climb on the start platform and mount on the round rubber seat. This one is attached to the runner by a covered galvanized chain. The cildren walk from the start platform and slide to the other side while seated on the rubber seat. The polyester coated metal poles have a diameter of 60 and 127 mm and have plastic pole caps. Aluminium mounting clamps are used for the connections. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with protection caps.

Metal aerial runway (2 platforms)

Playground equipment for children aged 6 to 15. This metal aerial runway is a fun way to bridge a long distance. The aerial runway has 2 start platforms. The children can climb on the start platform and mount on the round rubber seat. This one is attached to the runner by a covered galvanized chain. The cildren walk from the start platform and slide to the other platform while seated on the rubber seat. The polyester coated metal poles have a diameter of 60 and 127 mm and have plastic pole caps. Aluminium mounting clamps are used for the connections. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with protection caps,