Sýnir409–420 af3819 niðurstöðum


Vörunúmer Kilgoot Lengd 2100 Þykkt Stál Húðun Breidd Aukahlutir Bæklingur Sjá hér  

King Arthur

Adventurous playground equipment for children aged 4 to 15. The playground equipment is made out of 2 vertical roundwooden larch poles (diameter 12 cm) which are connected with each other by a horizontal roundwooden larch pole (diameter 12 cm). The vertical poles are each supported by 2 smaller oak poles with the same diameter. 3 plastic tyres are hanging on the horizontale pole. These tyres are connected to each other by galvanized chains. The purpose is to go from one side to the other by using the tyres and by not touching the ground. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by plastic protection caps. The oak poles are fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

Kleine randslab

Vörunúmer Kleine randslab Lengd 2100 Þykkt Stál Húðun Breidd Aukahlutir Bæklingur Sjá hér  

Krakka garð borð

19,900 kr.
Úti borð fyrir börn. Flullkomið í garðinn eða bústaðinn! Stærð 90x95x50 cm, efnis þykkt 27mm. Gagnvarið og heflað greni.


Bevestigingsprofiel, verstelbaar regelwerk voor wanden, horizontale of verticale montage. vb. tegen een metaalconstructie, muren, op betonplinten en geschikt voor het uitlijnen van wanden.

Labrador – Dog Kennel

59,900 kr.
Dimensions: L118.5xD86xH93cm·Impregnated spruce·Including roofing felt, floor, stainless steel entrance frame and fitting kit.

Lágafell – 11,8 m² Garðhús

700,000 kr.
Lágafell er 300 x 450 cm garðhús með einhalla þaki. Ný gerð 2024.  Kjörið í garðinn eða við sumarhúsið. Húsið er með 34 mm bjálka og tvöfaldri nót. Uppgefið verð er með vsk og miðaðst við afhendingu úr vöruhúsi í Reykjavík. Sendum hvert á land sem er.

Lágur þröskuldur

27,900 kr.
Lágur þröskuldur á rennihurðir. 30 mm hæð. Passar á einfalda eða tvöfalda hurð.

Lakenvelder – Chicken Coop

79,900 kr.
Dimensions: L163xD90xH140cm·Impregnated spruce·Including hinged roof, laying nest, roost, roofing felt and fitting kit


Adventurous playground equipment for children aged 4 to 15. The playground equipment is made out of 4 vertical roundwooden larch poles with diameter 12 cm and 1 m height which are supported by 2 smaller roundwooden oak poles with the same diameter. Between these poles there are 2 supports of 2 m which are parellel to each other, with a distance of 80 cm. Children can go from one side to the other while supporting on the supports. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by plastic protection caps. The oak poles are fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

Lás á rennihurð

7,900 kr.
Lás á rennihurðir fyrir gróðurhús. Einföld uppsetning. 1 stk lás passar á einfalda hurð. Þarf 2x lása á tvöfaldar rennihurðir.  

Laufhrífa deluxe

8,900 kr.
Fallega hönnuð laufhrífa sem er bæði breytir ásýndinni í garðinum. Stál hrífa með 24 sprota og handfang úr aski. Lengd 1,4m, haus 40x38 cm