Sýnir457–468 af3812 niðurstöðum

Metal group swing

Metal group swing for children aged 6 to 15 years. The swing is made up of a metal tube with diameter 14 cm and 6 m length. The swing is supported by two yellow metal tubes with diameter 9 cm. At the end of the swing there is a tyre on which children can stand or sit and with which they can swing. The rotation shaft is maintenance-free and made out of stainless steel. The swing is fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

Metal swing (2 flat rubber seats)

Metal swing for children from 4 to 15 years. The swing is made of bended metal powder-coated green tubes with a diameter of 90 mm. The rubber seats are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks using galvanized chains. The swing is fixed directly into the ground with concrete.

Metal T-swing

Metal T-swing for children aged 2 to 10. The swing is made of green and yellow metal powdercoated tubes with diameter 127 mm. The rubber seats and safety seats are attached to maintenance-free swing hooks with galvanized chains. The swing is fixed directly into the ground with concrete.

Moa Garage

1,310,000 kr.
Specifications:·Article no. 40.0803·Wood thickness 44mm·Wood type spruce, untreated·Dimensions 598x500cm·Foundation size 578x480cm·Ridge height approx. 297cm·Garage doors 2x 111cm·Windows 2 (can be

Modern gróðurhús – 4 stærðir

1,475,000 kr. - 2,290,000 kr.
Modern gróðurhúsin eru stílhrein og falleg gróðurhús. Húsin er hægt að fá í stærðum að eigin vali. Ef ósk er um aðra lengd á húsi en gefið er upp á síðunni, vinsamlegast hafa samband við sölumenn. Húsin eru sér framleidd fyrir hvert og eitt tilfelli. Húsin koma með 4mm einföldu hertu gleri og fást annarsvegar í svörtum lit með innbrendu lakki og hinsvegar í ral lit að eigin vali gegn auka gjaldi. Modern húsin eru með einhalla þaki og því einstök í útliti. Húsin eru búin styrktarbita og henta því vel við íslenskar aðstæður. Verðdæmin miða við tvöfalda rennihurð og tvo þakglugga. Hægt er að sér útbúa húsið ef óskir kaupanda eru aðrar. *** ATH húsin eru sér innflutt eftir pöntunum ***    
4 mm gler Litur

Modern gróðurhús 310×458 cm

1,925,000 kr.
Modern gróðurhúsin eru stílhrein og falleg gróðurhús. Húsin koma með 4mm einföldu hertu gleri og í svörtum lit. Modern húsin eru með einhalla þaki og því einstök í útliti. Húsin eru búin styrktarbita og henta því vel við íslenskar aðstæður. *** ATH húsin eru sér innflutt eftir pöntunum ***  
4 mm gler Litur

Monkey cage in robinia

Climbing trail for children aged 4 to 12. The square trail consists of different elements among which a climbing wall and a climbing net. On the other sides of the trail you have to balance on a rope or on robinia posts. Above you there’s a rope or steel pipe you can hold to keep your balance. All nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. The construction is fixed into the ground with concrete.

Monkey ladder

Monkey ladder made out of 12 cm roundwooden larch poles, cut outside the heart with ladder rungs in ash and diameter 40 mm. The ladder can be placed in our on the ground using metal base supports and can be placed in any direction. It is suitable for children aged 4 to 12. The fall height of this add-on component is 2,00 m.

Monkey wall in robinia

Monkey wall in robinia for children aged 4 to 12. The monkey wall consists of two vertical robinia poles that are fixed directly into the ground with concrete. Between these poles you can find a challenging climbing wall. At the bottom of the climbing wall you can find a hole where the children can crawl to the other side of the wall. All nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps.

Mosfell – 7,8 m² Garðhús

695,000 kr.
Mosfell er sexhyrnt garðhús. Húsið er tilvalið sem tehús í garðinn eða við sumarhúsið. Húsið er með 34 mm bjálka og tvöfaldri nót. Uppgefið verð er með vsk og miðaðst við afhendingu úr vöruhúsi í Reykjavík. Sendum hvert á land sem er.


Spring mobile for children from 2 to 6 years. The spring mobile is made up of a polyester-coated spring that is mounted onto a galvanized ground fixation. On top, a figurative sitting element in the shape of a motorbike is mounted. The figures and the seats are made up of vandal-resistant and colourfast HDPE polyethylene. The spring is made of 20 mm thick spring steel. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. The spring is designed so that you can never get clamped, not even at the heaviest load. The elasticity of the spring is calculated so that the movement comes to its right even for the little ones.