Sýnir685–696 af3819 niðurstöðum

Story bench (9 seats)

Wave-shaped story bench with 9 seats for children aged 4 to 10. The seats are made out of HDPE polyethylene and have different colors. 6 brackets are required to attach the bench to the ground. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by protection caps. The 6 brackets must be ordered separately (ref. A003).

Story bench straight – 5 seats

Story bench with 5 seats for children aged 3 to 10. The seats are made out of HDPE polyethylene and have different colors. The bench comes preassembled. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by protection caps. The bench can be fixed to the ground with 2 fixing brackets (ref. A003) – to be ordered separately!

Story bench straight – 7 seats

Story bench with 7 seats for children aged 3 to 10. The seats are made out of HDPE polyethylene and have different colors. The bench comes preassembled. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by protection caps. The bench can be fixed to the ground with 2 fixing brackets (ref. A003) – to be ordered separately!

Story cirkel (16 seats)

Round story circle with 16 seats for children aged 4 to 10. The seats are made out of HDPE polyethylene. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by protection caps. The banc can be attached to the floor with 8 brackets. These brackets must be ordered separately (ref. A003).

Story corner (16 seats)

Square story corner with 16 seats for children aged 4 to 10. The 4 corners have a diameter of 45 cm, the other seats have diameter 30 cm. The seats are made out of HDPE polyethylene. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by protection caps. The table can be attached to the floor with 8 brackets. These brackets must be ordered separately (ref. A003).

Story corner (24 seats)

Square story corner with 16 seats for children aged 4 to 10. The 4 corners have a diameter of 45 cm, the other seats have diameter 30 cm. The seats are made out of HDPE polyethylene. All nuts and bolts are completely covered by protection caps. The table can be attached to the floor with 12 brackets. These brackets must be ordered separately (ref. A003).

Stunguskófla deluxe

8,900 kr.
Svört stunguskólfa úr stáli og aski. Gæði og falleg hönnun. Lengd 1,2 m., þyngd 1,4 kg.  


23,900 kr.
Styrkingar úr pottjárni í kverkar og mæni. 1 stk í pakka.


Spring mobile for children from 2 to 6 years. The spring mobile is made up of a polyester-coated spring that is mounted onto a galvanized ground fixation. On top, a figurative sitting element in the shape of a flower is mounted. The figures and the seats are made up of vandal-resistant and colourfast HDPE polyethylene. On this spring mobile 4 children can play at the same time. The spring is made of 20 mm thick spring steel. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps. The spring is designed so that you can never get clamped, not even at the heaviest load. The elasticity of the spring is calculated so that the movement comes to its right even for the little ones.

SUNRED® Hitari á borð Indox Svartur 1200W

44,900 kr.
INDOX hitarinn frá SUNRED® sameinar fallega hönnun, gott andrúmsloft og góðan yl. Hitarinn öflugi veitir mikinn hita og rósagulls hitapípurnar veita hlýja birtu. Ekkert kvöld er of kalt með Indox hitaranum. Tilvailinn hitari við úti  sófana, undir skýlið eða í glerskálann. Hitar 180 gráður frá sér.
  • 1200w

SUNRED® Indus II hangandi svartur 2100 W

54,900 kr.
Ertu í leit að hitara sem ekki einungis veitir yl heldur er fallegur á að líta? Indus II hangandi hitarinn er halogen hitari hannaður í iðnaðarstíl. Flottur svartur hitari með 3 mismunandi stillingar, 900, 1200 og 2100 W.
  • 2100 w
  • Hámarks hitun eftir 5 sekúndur
  • IPX4

SUNRED® Indus standandi svartur 2100 W

74,900 kr.
Ertu í leit að hitara sem ekki einungis veitir yl heldur er fallegur á að líta? Indus brigth stand hitarinn er halogen hitari hannaður í iðnaðarstíl. Flottur svartur hitari með 3 mismunandi stillingar, 900, 1200 og 2100 W.
  • 2100 w
  • Hámarks hitun eftir 5 sekúndur
  • IPX4