Sýnir709–720 af3819 niðurstöðum

Teenagers bench (tropical hardwood)

Teenagers bench for children aged 6 to 18. The bench is made out of tropical hardwood with one layer of outdoor stain. The bench comes preassembled. The table can be attached to the floor with 4 brackets. These brackets must be ordered separately (ref. A003).

Tekk útiborð 180×90

115,000 kr.

Tekk útiborð tekki er 180 cm á lengd, 90 cm á breidd og 78 cm á hæð. Smíðað úr indónesísku tekki og hentar fullkomlega fyrir útisvæði. Klassísk og endingargóð hönnun sem gefur garðinum hlýlegt yfirbragð. Stólar fylgja ekki með.

Tekk útiborð 250×100

149,000 kr.

Tekk útiborð tekki er 250 cm á lengd, 100 cm á breidd og 78 cm á hæð. Smíðað úr indónesísku tekki og hentar fullkomlega fyrir útisvæði. Klassísk og endingargóð hönnun sem gefur garðinum hlýlegt yfirbragð. Stólar fylgja ekki með.

Tekk útiborð 150 cm

135,000 kr.
Tekk hringlaga útiborð. 150 cm þvermál. Hæð 75 cm. Smíðað úr indónesísku tekki og hentar fullkomlega fyrir útisvæði. Klassísk og endingargóð hönnun sem gefur garðinum hlýlegt yfirbragð. Stólar fylgja ekki með.

Terrain stair 2,1 m (with rail)

A staircase with double steps of 2,1m with handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 2,1 m (without rail)

A staircase with double steps of 2,1m without handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 2,7 (with rail)

A staircase with double steps of 2,7m with handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 2,7 m (without rail)

A staircase with double steps of 2,7m without handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 3,3 (with rail)

A staircase with double steps of 3,3m with handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 3,3 (without rail)

A staircase with double steps of 3,3m without handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 3,9 (with rail)

A staircase with double steps of 3,9m with handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.

Terrain stair 3,9 (without rail)

A staircase with double steps of 3,9m without handrail, ideal for placing on a slope. Due to the construction with double sides it can be adjusted to a slope of up to 45 degrees. The staircase comes fully preassembled so that the installation goes relatively easy.