Sýnir541–552 af3819 niðurstöðum

Plast pallaefni 20×140 mm – 7 litir

8,550 kr. - 10,400 kr.
Plast pallaefni. Önnur kynslóð plast pallaefni þá, svokölluð composite efni. Um er að ræða gegnheila planka með náttúrulegu yfirborði. Stærð 20x140mm, lengd 400 cm. Verð miðast við stykkjaverð. Afhendingartimi 14-21 dagur.

Plastic hill slide with platform (width 0,6m – sliding length 2,3m)

  Stærð 3,3 x 1,3 x 2,2 m Fallhæð 0,20 m Aldur 3-15 Samsetningartími 2p. – 4h. Öryggissvæði 30,5 Vottun

Play tower in robinia (stainless steel slide)

Open play tower with stainless steel slide for children aged 6 to 14. The platform is made of larch, the rest of the play equipment is made of robinia. The play tower can be reached via a climbing rope or a climbing net. You can leave the play tower by using stainless steel slide. This construction is fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

Play tower in robinia (stainless steel tubes)

Open play tower with stainless steel tubes for children aged 6 to 14. The platform is made of larch, the rest of the play equipment is made of robinia. The play tower can be reached via a climbing rope or a climbing net. You can leave the play tower by using stainless steel tubes.

Play tower with roof (stainless steel slide)

Play tower with roof and stainless steel tubes for children aged 6 to 14. The platforms and the roof are made of larch, the rest of the play equipment is made of robinia. The play tower can be reached via a climbing rope or a balancing beam that goes upwards to the covered platform. You can leave the play tower by using stainless steel slide. This construction is fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

Play tower with roof (stainless steel tubes)

Play tower with roof and stainless steel tubes for children aged 6 to 14. The platforms and the roof are made of larch, the rest of the play equipment is made of robinia. The play tower can be reached via a climbing rope or a balancing beam that goes upwards to the covered platform. You can leave the play tower by using stainless steel tubes. This construction is fixed directly into the ground by using concrete.

Police car

Play equipment in the shape of a blue police car for children aged 2 to 6. The children can enter the police car via round crawl tunnels in the wheels of the car. At the back there’s a stainless steel slide. The outside of the car is completely made of HDPE polyethylene. At one side of the car you can find a maze and on the other side of the car you can find a small abacus. The police car is delivered almost completely pre-assembled. All nuts and bolts are completely covered with flower-shaped protection caps.


Spring mobile for children from 2 to 6 years. The spring mobile is made up of a polyester-coated spring that is mounted onto a galvanized ground fixation. On top, a figurative sitting element in the shape of a pony is mounted. The figures and the seats are made up of vandal-resistant and colourfast HDPE polyethylene. The spring is made of 20 mm thick spring steel. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with flowershaped protection caps. The spring is designed so that you can never get clamped, not even at the heaviest load. The elasticity of the spring is calculated so that the movement comes to its right even for the little ones.


31,900 kr. - 64,900 kr.

Pottahilla 11,5 cm djúp

Pottahilla sem passar fullkomlega í Janssens gróðurhús. Mismunandi lengdir sem passa á glerbilin í húsunum. Dýpt hillunnar eru 11,5 cm. Frábær viðbót við gróðurhúsið, hægt að í húsunum. Hægt að stylla hæðina eftir þörfum hvers og eins til að gera vinnuna enn þægilegri fyrir ræktandann. Í sáðbakkana er hægt að sá og planta beint í jarðveg, auðveldt að umpotta úr sáðbakkanum beint í potta. Beautiful flower tray that fits in most greenhouses. The shelf is easily fastened with the included fastening screws which are easily inserted into the profile groove. Color black. Double check that the lengths match the one you have with the greenhouse to make sure it fits. We have different lengths you can choose from. Dimensions: Length: 458 cm Depth:  11.5 cm  

Prince and princess

Detached colorful play equipment for children aged 1 to 2,5. The play equipment has two sides made of HDPE polyethylene in the shape of a prince and a princess. The prince is wearing a yellow crown and has a sword in his hand. The princess is wearing a beautiful red dress and yellow crown. The play equipment is mountable by a staircase made of HDPE polyethylene steps. All metal parts are treated against rust and all nuts and bolts are completely covered with plastic protection caps. This adventurous play equipment offers the children different play values. The children can slide down as much as they want and thanks to the child-friendly staircase and gangway they can try to climb to the top. The real adventurers can take a look under the platform where they can crawl in a tunnel. Thanks to the fairytale theme, the children can let their imagination work.

Pumpa á þakglugga STORM

29,900 kr.
Sjálfvirk pumpa á þakglugga - opnar og lokar eftir hitastigi. Auðvelt að stilla.
  • Hámarks opnun u.þ.b 45 cm, háð festingu og þyngd
  • Hámarks opnun við 30 ° C
  • Byrjar að opna við 17-25 ° C
  • Lyftir allt að 7 kg = passar fyrir þakglugga sem eru allt að 15 kg að þyngd
  • Storm-módelið er mun sterkara en hefbundnar gróðurhúsapumpur. Því bjóðum við eingöngu upp á slíkar pumpur fyrir þakglugga.